Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pre-expedition readings

As part of our focus on defining nature and studying the sustainability of public access to "nature," students will read works posted on the high school English class blog.

Students have seen video clips to help them understand the importance of the health of a watershed to the health of a bay. They watched a video of the last logging drive on the Kennebec River, a clip from the documentary "Homeland" about the Penobscot Tribe's failed attempt to maintain the federal government's control over the Penobscot River's pollution licensing. (In a unique ruling in 2000, the EPA awarded the State of Maine licensing jurisdiction.)

In English and in history classes, students have been introduced to the concept of the Justinian Doctrine, that access to nature is "common to all mankind." Roman Emperor Justinian's rewriting of Roman law in CE 529 has been reflected in governing documents from the Magna Carta to the constitutions of several countries.

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